In Quentyn Quinn, Space Ranger, the Empire of the Seven Systems responded to the (admittedly rather brutal) slaughter of one of their colony ships by incinerating an entire solar system.Some of Agatha's death rays in Girl Genius.Billy Mays YouTube Poop Suicide Putty: "Call right now and I'll triple the offer! And send you six sticks of Suicide Putty so you can kill yourself six times!".Anti-HEROES duplicates the MythBusters quote here.If you're going to kill someone, you might as well kill them a whole lot." The Last Days of Foxhound: Vulcan Raven's take on the matter: "Subtlety is a thing for philosophy, not combat.Just how far past the spell ended up that is a sobering reminder of just how badly people underestimate the concept of OVERKILL.Nothing says "overkill" like making Black Dragons the newest member of the Endangered Species list. Riff is, in general, a very enthusiastic supporter of this trope.Riff's anti-vampire, wooden stake gatling Gun from Sluggy Freelance.Pretty much any time they decide to let Richard loose.Richard of Looking for Group doesn't understand the concept of overkill.To quote the UNS Marine prize crew guarding the Toughs: "'Minimal collateral damage' and 'entire star system' do not belong in the same sentence" Once, the PD Fleetmind launched an all-out assault on an entire star system as a diversion, to extract Tagon's Toughs with minimum collateral damage.Schlock's immune system is itself a form of overkill, it allows him to survive practically anything, even including foreign nanites.They tell him that they're not worried about a little overkill, to which Schlock responds, "OK, but you might want to use your anti-tank weapons on those tanks behind you." Actually subverted on one occasion, in which Schlock mocks two enemies for aiming anti-tank weapons at him.The one that quotes this trope practically verbatim can be found in poster form. One of the most popular books with mercenaries in the Schlockverse, The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Pirates, contains several appropriate quotes on the subject, as shown in the quotes section for this trope.
#Order of the stick familicide full
The multicannons are especially ridiculous because he can hook up feeders and, quote, "fire breacher rounds on full auto."